A statement of the premises on which Rapid Software Testing—our classes and our methodology—are based.
These are the premises of the Rapid Software Testing methodology. Everything in the methodology derives in some way from this foundation. These premises derive from our experience, study, and discussions over a period of decades.

Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 1
In February of 2012, James Bach and I got together for a week of work one-on-one, face-to-face—something that happens all too rarely. We worked on a number of things, but the principal outcom…

Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 2
Yesterday I published the first three premises that underlie the Rapid Software Testing methodology developed and taught by James Bach and me. Today’s two are on the nature of “testR…

Premises of Rapid Software Testing, Part 3
Over the last two days, I’ve published the premises of the Rapid Software Testing classes and methodology, as developed by James Bach and me. The first set addresses the nature of Rapid Testi…