In Rapid Testing (and, we believe, in all worthwhile testing) learning about the product and finding problems that matter are central to the mission. In the role of a tester, I support the business and development team by finding and describing things I believe to be important problems that might threaten the value of the product.
A skilled tester should be able do that at any stage—as soon as there’s something to test—with any kind of product, whether it’s a compiled program, a component, a function, source code, a specification, a requirements document, a feature idea, a model, a diagram… Any of these products may have observable, describable problems associated with them.

Oracles from the Inside Out, Part 1: Introduction
In Rapid Testing (and, we believe, in all worthwhile testing) learning about the product and finding problems that matter are central to the mission. In the role of a tester, I support the business…